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Star Wars Republic Commando Free Download

Download Star Wars Republic Commando for FREE on PC – Released on 1 Mar, 2005. Learn how to download and install Star Wars Republic Commando for free in this article and be sure to share this website with your friends.


Chaos has erupted throughout the galaxy. As leader of an elite squad of Republic Commandos, your mission is to infiltrate, dominate, and ultimately, annihilate the enemy. Your squad will follow your orders and your lead, working together as a team – instinctively, intelligently, instantly. You are their leader. They are your weapon.

Innovative Squad Control System – With intuitive and smart squad commands, the simple touch of one button easily controls your squad to perform complex commands and strategic maneuvers.
Multiple Gaming Mode – Choose the single-player option and command a squad of four that you can dispatch at will. Or, choose the multiplayer option and play with up to sixteen players online in different multi-player modes.
Prelude to Episode III – Encounter new vehicles, locations and enemies from the upcoming film.


1. Choose a download button below, and start downloading the game.
2. Once Star Wars: Republic Command is finished downloading, extract the .rar file and then run the setup. (You will need WinRar, you can get it here)
(If it’s a .iso just double click inside of it)
(If the installer is a CODEX MAKE sure to tick the “Copy Contents of CODEX directory to install dir” box)
If there is a folder called “PLAZA” or “Crack” go into the folder and copy the contents inside and paste them into where ever you installed the game.
3. Once done run the game and enjoy!

Resultado de imagen de star wars republic commando

Resultado de imagen de star wars republic commando

OS: Windows 2000, XP or Vista
Processor: Pentium III or Athlon 1.0 GHz or faster CPU
Memory: 256MB RAM
Graphics: 64MB 3D Graphics card with Vertex Shader and Pixel Shader (VS/PS) capability
DirectX®: 9.0b
Hard Drive: 2.0GB
Sound: 100% Directx 9.0c